Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My opinion on Martha Wilson.

Martha Wilson, in her younger years, made a point in her art of asking the audience to cooperate with her. She wanted them to allow her to spread her message, not only to them but beyond them. She had strong social motivations and feminist views and wanted to raise awareness of this, but more importantly it would see she wanted to explore her motivations on a personal level. She used herself in a lot of her art, her own body. One of her older pieces that really called to me was her Women Without Labels self portraits. She tried to fit into every modern position as a women she could in an exploration of her femininity and feminist nature. From lesbian raging against men and their system to contemporary house wife or sought after goddess. Yet what I believe she truly found is that none of those labels or images could contain her. Later in her life she appears to have began to express to her audience in herself again. She puts us in positions where we are forced to see her, not just a facade but actually see her. 

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