Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Martha Wilson

I was talking to Mark briefly in front of Inova saying that I felt as if the work/conversation of Martha Wilson's work seemed a bit dated.  I had seen this work before and also heard her speak.  I do think it is important to revisit history and see how much our culture has shifted since then.  I think what was important about the work is that it covered several areas as far as being a female in different contexts - especially as a female artist talking about female artists.

It was interesting seeing Martha's newer work at the Portrait Society.  I do think that she was able to remain in the same vein as her older work, and keep it relevant to contemporary times.  A specific example of what I am talking about is hearing Debra talk about her observations of those who viewed the show.  The fact that these older women who were trying to defy their age in their appearance shows that Martha is saying something relevant.  I think that I still do believe that what Martha was addressing in the 70's in NOW dated (not then)  and that she was able to still be the same artist now and be just as thought provoking.

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